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Presidential Places: The Grover Cleveland Birthdplace

Grover Cleveland (who was both the 22nd and 24th President of the United States) was born on March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New Jersey. His parents were Richard Falley Cleveland, a Presbyterian Minister from Connecticut, and Ann Neal Cleveland from Baltimore, the daughter of a bookseller. Today the Grover Cleveland Birthplace is a New Jersey State Historic Site and National Historic Place located in Caldwell, New Jersey. It is the only house museum dedicated to Grover Cleveland.


The building is also known as the Caldwell Presbyterian Church Manse and served as a Presbyterian church parsonage for the Cleveland family while Grover's father served as a pastor of the local church. Cleveland was originally named Stephen Grover in honor of the first pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Caldwell, but he did not use the name Stephen in his adult life. The family moved to New York in 1841. A group of private citizens purchased the house in the early twentieth century to open it as a museum. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.

Originally, the house had a two-story main section with a one-story kitchen to the east and a one-story lean-to at the rear. It was enlarged several times between 1848-1870 to meet the growing needs of the Presbyterian clergy. The historical significance of the Manse was first noted in 1881 when Cleveland was running for Governor of New York. As his political star ascended, so did the interest in preserving his birthplace as a museum. A group of Cleveland’s friends and admirers began negotiations to purchase the Manse in 1907. Their efforts culminated in the opening of the house to the public on March 18, 1913.

Most of the first floor rooms portray the Manse as it was in 1837, the year Grover Cleveland was born. Among the artifacts on display from Cleveland’s early years are his cradle and original family portraits. The exhibit gallery features a number of artifacts from Cleveland's life during the last quarter of the 19th century. The campaign of 1884, the public’s interest in his wife and children, and America’s political climate during the "golden age" are explored.

The Grover Cleveland Birthplace State Historic Site is the only house museum in the country dedicated to the interpretation of President Cleveland’s life. It is the nation’s leading repository of Cleveland artifacts and political memorabilia. The Grover Cleveland Birthplace is listed on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places.

Behind the Birthplace is a small Carriage House. The Grover Cleveland Memorial Association is working with architects, foundations and individuals to expand the Carriage House into a visitos center.

Following is more information about this venue:


Location: 207 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, New Jersey

Hours of Operation: Closed Monday and Tuesday; Wednesday to Saturday 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 4pm, Sunday 1pm to 4pm


Twitter: @GCBMA
Tags: grover cleveland, presidential libraries and museums

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