Kenneth (kensmind) wrote in potus_geeks,

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Political Philosophy

The more I read about U.S. history, the more it appears to me that most major political conflicts stemmed from a disagreement between those who saw a need for a strong central national government and those who preferred to have the power rest with the states. George Washington grappled with this problem from day one, as he tried to defend a nation with lukewarm financial support from the states. His successors were divided on this issue and it is what led to the creation of political parties. Issues such as slavery, finance, health care and other important issues have always been affected by this debate. This made me wonder whether most people saw the need for a strong central government as trumping states' rights or if the reverse was true, which in turn spawned this poll. So tell me, on which side do you fall?

Poll #1715889 Political Philisophy

Which of the following concepts do you more strongly support?

A strong cental (national) government
States' rights
I'm not sure
Tags: george washington, poll

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